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Online Course Payment and Access Policy

Payment Failure and Removal:


  1. Payment Obligation: Clients are obligated to make timely and full payments in accordance with the chosen recurring payment schedule specified in the course payment plan. Selecting and paying according to this schedule automatically constitutes your enrolment agreement.

  2. Grace Period: A short grace period (usually 7 days) will be granted for late payments as the discretion of the owner. During this grace period, clients may still access the course materials.

  3. Removal for Non-Payment: If a client fails to make the required payment within the grace period, their access to the course will be suspended. This includes access to all course materials, live sessions, and any support or resources provided as part of the course.


Reinstatement of Access:


  1. Outstanding Balance: To regain access to the course after suspension due to non-payment, the client must pay the full remaining balance in one instalment.

  2. Reactivation: Once the full outstanding balance is received, access to the course materials will be reinstated within 1-2 business days.

  3. No Guarantees: Reinstatement of access to your previous course progress is not guaranteed. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to either start the course again from the beginning or skip ahead to resume from where you last left off.

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